What is Supermoon? Interesting facts about Supermoon!

Shoubhik Pal
2 min readFeb 16, 2021

A supermoon is basically what we all sometimes wander about. It is always interesting to know about celestial bodies and outer space. Usually, few of us might know about supermoon, but majority of us never listened of this.

The term supermoon is used when a full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to earth in its orbit. This fortunate coincidence is very rare, with a least probability.

Very intense and attractive photography of night supermoon from wallpapercave.com

Supermoon makes the moon appear more brighter and closer to earth, which really looks as a nature’s charm. Supermoon, sometimes in mythology, termed as a sign of fortune and luck.

Supermoon, according to scientist in NASA, will appear in this year 2021 in four different periods or months. All these expected months are consecutive to each other, that is, March, April, May and June.

The most closest appearance of Supermoon in this year is predicted to rise on May 26, 2021. This Supermoon is also called as Flower moon in some cultures. Different cultures have different names.

A photography of supermoon from Wallpapercave.com

The last year Supermoon was during spring. It made the photographers more attractive and provided a passable opportunity.


Supermoon explained by National geographic in a brief video.

A supermoon can occur due to two reasons.

1:Due to the closest approach to earth

2:Due to full phase which happens every 29.5 days when the sun fully illuminates the moon.

The moon will appear 30 percent brighter and 14 percent larger as of the usual size.

The Supermoon may look larger than its usual appearance, but it is nothing related to astronomy, everything is related to human minds. This effect is called ‘MOON ILLUSION’ and may arise due to some necessary things.

CNN news poto (January 31), Large number of Photographers taking the advantage.

After this article, I think most of us would be very excited to see all upcoming Supermoon never before.


Article by-: Shoubhik Pal ( Astrophile)



Shoubhik Pal

I am an Space enthusiast. I write on Space theories, celestial bodies, astrophysics and Space fictions. But sometimes I write about Lifestyle.